Client: Tupelo-Honey Raycom

Role: Production Manager

Do you like rain? How about rain, high winds and golfing with an NFL two-time MVP quarterback and the PGA Rookie of the Year? If so, you’ll love this piece.

What: Four cameras (Jib, Steadicam, Handheld and Sticks) on one of the rainiest days in SoCal history.

Sound guy went missing under his giant rain poncho. Golf carts with no windshields and it’s pouring rain. I can now say, with experience, that Under Armour rain gear really keeps you dry! Oh, backup interior set ready to go - fully lit and with a billiard table we had delivered, dismantled (to get it up the stairs) and re-assembled all that same morning. Thankfully the sky cleared long enough to get great exterior footage.

Client: BREW Gaming

Role: Executive Producer/Producer

This was one of the best green-screen projects I have ever worked on. Why? We shot the entire video at the iconic "Industrial Light & Magic” facility in San Rafael, CA.. One of the largest hard cyc sound stages I’d ever seen and an honor to be one of the first corporate shoots they invited in.

What: The entire video was shot on green screen with a motion controlled camera, multiple talent and an incredible production and animation team. Creative story telling - sans VO. Many thanks to the creative genius’s at Phoenix Editorial (now Bonfire Labs, SF.).

Content: This video was made without VO and told the story of the evolution of gaming to showcase the BREW gaming platform.


Role: Producer, Writer, Director

This is a series I produced annually, three years running.

What: On average, each series was comprised of  six individual videos, each approximately 90 seconds, shot in four countries (interview & b-roll) on three continents, in two weeks. Too many hotels and airlines to remember and yes, I was traveling with a U.S. crew and a boat-load of gear– how I do love a good Carnet and in-country Fixers!

In addition to producing the series, I researched, vetted and proposed each interviewee.  From the research, I drove the storytelling by developing the Q&A for each participant, conducted all on-camera interviews and selected the sound bites for the final edit. One of the most challenging, yet successful programs, it consistently garnered positive reviews from the executive team.

Content: The videos were interviews of C-level business partners, talking about the future of their business and how Qualcomm played into that future. These folks were busy industry leaders so our logistics, gear and crew had to be "on" - there could be no late arrivals, missed flights, etc…